Thursday, February 12, 2009

Potluck: 1=0

Mathematicians have achieved what was once thought to be impossible. They have finally discovered how something is, in fact, nothing. Or, conversely, nothing is indeed something. Now all of you think about nothing. Once you have nothing in mind, think of something. Anything. A cow. A planet. An idea. A raindrop. All of these things are nothing. So, when you think of nothing, you can think of anything.

How can I say such a thing, you ask? You might argue with me that something and nothing are not the same thing. But I have proof. Mathematical proof, I might add. And this isn't some Einsteinian formula. You need only basic algebra to understand it.

Let a = b

Now multiply both sides by a.
a×a = a×b
a² = ab

Subtract b² from both sides.
a²-b² = ab-b²

Now you have to remember FOIL (First, Outside, Inside, Last) and the distributive property from Algebra 1.
(a+b)(a-b) = b(a-b)

Divide each side by a-b.
[(a+b)(a-b)]/(a-b) = [b(a-b)]/(a-b)

You are left with a+b = b

Now let's say a = 1. Then because a = b, b = 1.

And thus a+b = b —> 1+1 = 1

Which means 2 = 1.

Subtract 1 from both sides and you have 2-1 = 1-1

Which means 1 = 0.


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