Saturday, December 11, 2010

Haiku Hai: A Satur Day

I started the day
Wielding a black controller,
Beating the bad guys.

I slept a few hours.
Fleeting dreams of the future
Rarely remembered.

I woke with big plans,
But wielded the controller,
Beating the bad guys.

Then I made a call.
A foreign cell phone woke him.
The card didn’t last.

We struggled with Skype,
The sound and picture, suspect.
Hours passed like minutes.

I strode down Thompson.
An ancient barber cut me.
I paid him for it.

So many Santas,
They stumbled down the sidewalks.
Such jolly drunkards.

Ate at the Grey Dog.
In the door, a pending grade.
Not sick as a dog.

Came back home to work.
Watching Madmen episodes.
Can’t help but wonder.

I’m considering
Wielding the black controller,
Beating the bad guys.

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