Wednesday, October 7, 2009

3WW (Fallow, Limit, Vocal): Vibrant Night

He sits on the faded cranberry-colored picnic table staring out at the fallow land with its dull mustard hue. Impotent memories wash over him like warm salt water. How he raped that young girl. When he stood as Godfather at his nephew’s baptism. When he shoved a knife through that poor dog’s throat. And how he caressed his beautiful wife while making love to her.

The sunset might be beautiful on another day; the pumpkin orange blending with the deep blackberry purple in the northern sky. Instead he sees his mother’s bruises against her bronze Mediterranean skin as she practices the vocal she will perform in church. He feels a tear but makes no effort to wipe it away.

His chocolate lab comes trotting across the lawn and sits beside him. There’s no limit to the abuse the dog will take. As opposed to his wife who left him 40 years ago. ‘Has it been that long?’ he wonders to himself. And shakes his head with a blend of nostalgia and disgust. He pops a few more pain killers. Takes a swig of his vodka tonic. ‘That oughta do it,’ he says to the dog. To God. To whomever might be listening.

Night falls and rinses the vibrant colors from his memory.


Daily Panic said...

reflections on life that cannot be changed. good post.

Sherri B. said...

This man's thoughts were very disturbing, but your words were very's scary the range of emotions (and actions) human beings are capable of.

Tumblewords: said...

The mind is a strange and wonderful thing - this piece is strong!

PJD said...

Man, that's brutal. Your use of color really sets the tone--the sky itself is bruised.

gautami tripathy said...

I like the way you have teated this piece. Everything is so normal and thats the scary part of it..

get that card for me

rebecca said...

powerful piece that shows the ugly side of life...