Saturday, October 30, 2010

Poetricity: Silence

I came seeking a respite from honking, blood curdling hot orange cacophony. The perpendicular pillars and pews greeted me graciously smiling in their wooden way. There was a momentary silence caught between the cityscape, an almost hesitation in the urban drawl. Then the pack of five teens arrived, besot at once by the necessity of ritual. With the fat clothman supplement, a holy buzz banished the momentary silence into a catacomb. Black thoughts of whys in what should be. I laughed at the should in a house of God. And the anger abated like a vapid vampire from his bloody prey. The pre-pubescent voices echoed sparking glimmers of reticent hope for a limping institution. The fat man and five concluded with a customery whimper all in a fragile agreement that the status quo, like virtue, is good for its own sake. I spied another moment trapped between oblivions just then, and silence pierced my side. It remained inifinitely or until the jackhammers wafted through the stained glass.

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