Thursday, April 9, 2009

Potluck: Thursday 13

I've recently added a new site to the list of blogs I read; it is called Thursday 13. The idea is to write a list of 13 things about anything. The list is usually a personal 13 things, like my 13 top favorite movies or 13 places I've visited. If this proves to suit my fancy, I may very well replace Potluck Thursdays with the Thursday 13.

Without further ado, I give you 13 things on my desk at work.

  1. Post-its with varied notes like 'agenda for AIS call' and 'technical dox Claims tracking' written on them.
  2. A jade plant
  3. Two rather large monitors.
  4. A tea-stained Starbucks cup with two Earl Grey tea bags in it
  5. A picture of me and Joseph from the first time we visited the Puyallup Fair
  6. A New York Giants calendar with the following trivia question: 'Tackle Adam Koets was a second-team All-Pac-10 choice as a senior in 2006. At what school did he earn that honor?'
  7. The book: Implementing the IT Balanced Scorecard by Jessica Keyes
  8. The book: Six Sigma for Everyone by George Eckes
  9. A picture of Buddy
  10. A picture of Cleo
  11. A paperweight brought back from Egypt by our Senior Accountant, who is from Egypt
  12. Three copies of Technology Road Map Meeting Minutes for a follow up meeting tomorrow
  13. A Trick or Treat pencil from God knows which Fall Carnival (not allowed to call it Halloween) social event

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