Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday 13: Movies I Won't Watch (Again)

I have decided to adopt the Thursday Thirteen as my Thursday writing.

In this installment, I take a look at a few movies I refuse to watch. Or those I refuse to watch again...

  1. Waterworld (1995) - Kevin Costner in baseball movies, okay. Kevin Costner not in baseball movies, not so good.
  2. Piranha (1978) - A fisherman dangles his feet into the water, fishing off a pier. His face suddenly contorts. He falls backward on the dock; the stumps that were once his legs droop bloodily into the water. Now imagine a six year old watching. Ugh...
  3. Celtic Pride (1996) - Two Celtic fans kidnap an opposing player to guarantee a Celtics championship. Honestly, Dan Akroyd seems to spell flop if he's anywhere near being a main character in a movie. Well, since Blues Brother anyway.
  4. From Justin to Kelly (2003) - Kelly has more than made up for this unfortunate contractual obligation with her music. Justin found his niche doing something...
  5. Newsies (1992) - The old man brought home this movie one unfortunate evening. We barely made it through the opening sequence. And we've never let him forget it.
  6. Catwoman (2004) - Joseph loved this movie. And I know it was just because Halle Berry was in it. Honestly, I'll take Eartha Kitt any day. Even from beyond the grave.
  7. Schindler's List (1993) - Wouldn't think you'd see this one on here, huh? It put me in a funk for an entire week. I just can't fathom that a group of people would do such a thing to another group of people.
  8. That Darn Cat (1965) - During the mid-1980s I attended Moses Yale Beach Elementary School in Wallingford, CT. We watched movies twice a year. That would entail herding all of the kids in the school into the gym to sit in unbelievably uncomfortable seats to watch one of two eight millimeter films the school owned. This was one.
  9. The Apple Dumpling Gang (1975) - This was the other.
  10. Toys (1992) - Didn't get it. Didn't want to get it. Watched it on New Years Eve of 1992 into New Years Day of 1993. Wish I had that one back. For sleep or something...
  11. Saving Private Ryan (1998) - It is the only movie during which I closed my eyes multiple times. Like during the first 20 minutes of the film. Absolutely worth watching once. But I'd never voluntarily watch it again.
  12. Gigli (2003) - Affleck and Lopez in the movie that promised to boost this Hollywood power couple to stardom. Neither have had critical successes in anything since. Nor are they still a couple. Good call.
  13. The Passion of the Christ (2004) - For those who know me, this may seem an odd choice. But honestly, I've prayed the sorrowful mysteries and that's effective enough without having to see the blood splatter from the lashing Jesus took. Good to watch once? Yes. Twice, not for me.

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