Wednesday, April 15, 2009

3WW (Allure, Vivid, Perch): American Sentences

American Sentences: They are haiku-length poems that Allen Ginsburg suggested be limited to 17 syllables, like haiku in Japanese and like the Heart Sutra in Buddhism. The following two sentences are such American Sentences of 17 syllables.

Her vivid breast allures many lecherous males to her verdant perch.

Perched atop his vivid white throne, he hatched a scent with little allure.

I set on my perch an alluring note and burned it in vivid flame.


susan said...

Wicked sense of humor in the second. Thanks for the read.

pia said...

The first totally drew me in as did the third

Andy Sewina said...

Yeah nicely, three for the price of one, well done!

Thom Gabrukiewicz said...

Three hits, no strikes. Homerun to me.