Wednesday, July 22, 2009

3WW (Cradle, Perfect, Snare): American Sentences

American Sentences: They are haiku-length poems that Allen Ginsburg suggested be limited to 17 syllables, like haiku in Japanese and like the Heart Sutra in Buddhism. The following sentences are such American Sentences of 17 syllables.

The snare drum was not the perfect cradle, but the baby slept soundly.

I snared the guide by perfectly slighting the cradle of liberty.

The perfect cradle snares a child effectively though comfortably.


anthonynorth said...

Nicely done. i liked the last one best.

Andy Sewina said...

Nicely, I did a snare drum one too!

Thom Gabrukiewicz said...

Always a pleasure to read your AS. You are a natural at them.


Mark said...

Brilliant stuff. I like the last one the best myself...

Bobbie said...

Very nice! I'm partial to the last one :)

Daily Panic said...

terrific use of 3WW. vivid. I like the last one too

Stan Ski said...

Great use of the prompt.