Wednesday, July 15, 2009

3WW (Drip, Hypnotic, Sulk): American Sentences

American Sentences: They are haiku-length poems that Allen Ginsburg suggested be limited to 17 syllables, like haiku in Japanese and like the Heart Sutra in Buddhism. The following two sentences are such American Sentences of 17 syllables.

There’s something hypnotic about the dripping tears of a sulking man.

The sulky drip complained that his wristwatch was not at all hypnotic.

I sulk in these last ticks as the hypnotic drips of oil stoke the fire.


anthonynorth said...

Loved these, especially the first.

andy said...

Yeah, like the different ways you've used the words today.

Anonymous said...

interesting !!

Thom Gabrukiewicz said...

each uses the prompt words slightly different, which is really great.

Tumblewords: said...

Great variety!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love the re-aligned perspectives of the prompt words! Clever together as contrasts!

Anonymous said...

wow i liked them all, esp the first and the last!

gautami tripathy said...

I liked all. The difference in those..

dragon rider