Wednesday, July 29, 2009

3WW (Darkness, Patronize, Weaken): Heat-Induced American Sentences

American Sentences: They are haiku-length poems that Allen Ginsburg suggested be limited to 17 syllables, like haiku in Japanese and like the Heart Sutra in Buddhism. The following two sentences are such American Sentences of 17 syllables.

Darkness patronizes me, and the rays of the red sun weaken me.

I patronize the darkness only to weaken truthful Apollo.

The patronizing heat keeps into darkness, weakening my resolve.


April said...

Nice writing. Never heard of "American Sentences"...very interesting.

Thom Gabrukiewicz said...

Always good to see your use of the words in an AS.

Mark said...

Pretty slick, all the way around...

Learning about a new form is always a bonus!

Tumblewords: said...

Another masterful trio - well written!

Daily Panic said...

very creative.

gautami tripathy said...

I like all!

patronising darkness weakens me

Kill Word Verification

Bobbie said...

I'm going to have to try this, sometime lol. Nice...all of it.