Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday Night

For the first time in a long time, I went to Madison Pub for a football game. My friends Matt and Drew coaxed me. And it was a night on which Green Bay was playing, so I knew Tony would be there too.

And, overall, a very good night, though I can't claim to have seen much of the game. What I did see was that this weekend had the most points scored overall in NFL history. A fascinating record in and of itself...

But now, my dear readers, I must exit stage left to the Jack in the Box Burger and Chicken Sandwiches that await me. Those and a bit of Friends will hold me over until tomorrow when I must face another 10 hour day.

On the bright side, I went 11-5 while JB went 5-11. I'll calculate that tomorrow...

Until then...

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