In my attempts to find a voice, a niche, a unique way of saying, hey look over here at the words that are coming out of my fingertips, I will be embarking on different expressions through language. Until now, my posts have been of the calm, cool, and collected variety. And you'll still see that. Perhaps even most of the time. But on some days, it just doesn't suffice. So, without further ado - or adieu to those who oppose ado - I give to you a stream into which you cannot step twice...
half and half. asleep awake. i have to pee. pee then. but too comfortable. but the peeing takes precedence. five ante meridian. back under the warm covers in the cold house. radio comes on five oh five ante meridian. oy. hit the button. back to sleep. dreams upon rooftops in old diners... the radio again. damn the double alarm system. oh the weather outside is frightful. isn't it november somethingteenth i ask my half and half self. yes yes but this station has begun it's all christmas all the time programming. unfreakingbelievable...
dogs cleo first who elbows her way past without elbows. buddy who speeds past and begins the leaping extravaganza. retrieve the bowls. buddy leaping. fill the bowls. buddy leaping. place the bowls on the ground. buddy leaping. he's all friggin ten lords a leaping. sit. the drool has somehow been flung from his lips to the middle of his back. how the hell... come in i say and they rush to the bowls. sitting. waiting. cleo stares at the food daring it to leave her bowl. buddy stares at me daring me not to say take it. TAKE IT, i utter. they go to town.
out to potty. in again.
cut the cheese... bagel. then mine too. pull the pasta that joseph'll eat. and some dried fruit and nuts. i am what i need. a fruit and nuts.
shower. fantasy football in which i've been decimated by a girl. mouthwash and socks on. pack the bag. pet the dog. floss and brush. shirt and jeans. no not those jeans. and belt and undershirt. not in that order and not simultaneously. but it all happened.
the car. the bus. sleepiness pervades. all those others. not me. too wound up about work. too many things that grab my attention. hitler setting up his war with the poles. just read about august thirty-one nineteen thirty-nine. same day my great aunt and uncle got married. both polish. but not in poland. thank goodness for mid-sized fruit snacks.
work. and it begins. pete summons. bminis. what are you working on he asks and i smirk and say nothing on the bmini list. none of it's important. so no resources he says. and i say i need no people.
on to what i call pm work. p is for project m is for murder. that's not right. management that's it. same difference. all that bureaucratic overhead that keeps people honest. all the stuff you'd forget about if there weren't this annoying voice saying did you do this and that and some other damn thing.
work on hca and ads ebn. acronyms run amok. hospital corporation of america and alliance data systems electronic bankruptcy noticing. yeah, a mouthful. and separate. clients. hca is one. ads is another. we're offering a service called ebn. no i won't explain it all here. no it doesn't make us any money. yes i know that's dumb. well, not dumb dumb since there's no real speaking involved but stupid dumb. suffice it to say i spent thirty some odd minutes doing stuff for these projects.
into the ads meeting. called scott in austin a developer. asked if we were ready to go to production monday. received some head nodding and a few flicks of the fingernails. inspiring future leaders is what it's all about for me. hello anyone home. lights were on at least. got most of my questions answered and moved on.
into the weekly deliverable review. a meeting we used to call a status meeting once upon a time when we all had a clue what was important and what wasn't. now it's a free for all come as you are spout about stuff don't expect anyone to listen jolly good time. i sit and listen for as long as i can or until i have another meeting which happened to be just thirty minutes later thanks for small favors.
to the ceo's office to talk about the lake mary venture. i run it. task list. action items. contacts. long term tasks. open questions. broken promises. silent auctions. all that happy stuff. successful meeting, methinks.
more pm work which in the middle of the day means i'm just trying to figure out if i'm still in seattle or if i've been transported to some odd planet like hoth kronos or mississippi.
at noon a meeting to determine our strategic direction. we call it strateejery. and boy were we stratejeric. or something. we talked about things at length. none of which i can disclose because it involves national security. wmds to be precise.
six sigma training debrief followed. we all debriefed. didn't think i worked for a bunch of nudists interested in process improvement huh.
had more meetings. won't bore you with the details. something having to do with attempting to choose balances for accounts because the owner of the accounts a really big BANK in the united states OF AMERICA doesn't know the balance themselves. inspiring huh. and there was another meeting about something that then lead to the star wars clone wars cartoon that i haven't watched. and then something about password protecting a spreadsheet that has a password that i can't mention that was the winner of the nineteen sixty-nine world series. and other stuff too.
i left because i did. and caught the bus. and read about hitler again. and got off the bus. and walked home. and let out the dogs. and sat down. and wrote in my attempts to find a voice a niche a unique way of saying hey look over here at the words that are coming out of my fingertips i will be embarking on different expressions through language. until now my posts have been of the calm cool and collected variety. and you'll still see that. perhaps even most of the time. but on some days it just doesn't suffice. so without further ado or adieu to those who oppose ado i give to you a stream into which you cannot step twice...
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