Wednesday, August 5, 2009

3WW (Accentuate, Glamour, Pitch): American Sentences

American Sentences: They are haiku-length poems that Allen Ginsburg suggested be limited to 17 syllables, like haiku in Japanese and like the Heart Sutra in Buddhism. The following sentences are such American Sentences of 17 syllables.

The glamour of a pitched knuckleball accentuates baseball’s beauty.

Her glamour as a diva was not accentuated by her pitch.

His pitchy pants accentuate the fact that he cares not for glamour.


Bobbie said...

Love these! Great use of prompt.

Daily Panic said...

for some reason I didn't even think of baseball for Pitch
thanks for sharing!

Thom Gabrukiewicz said...

always a pleasure. But yes, I'd love to see you develop some A.S. as a story.

Tumblewords: said...

These are fun! I particular like the pitchy pants for a guy not gone on glamour! Your AS would make great stories - looking forward to them...

Andy Sewina said...

I like the way you used the word pitch, in all the different senses!

gautami tripathy said...

I was pitched right in by all three!

accentuated aura

Kill Word Verification